Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Back To The Barn!!

I have to admit pulling into my driveway on Sunday August 8th was a very emotional day for me....the last 70 days on the road was one hell of an adventure and surely one that I will never forget!! I don't know the exact number but the 50 days camping gave me a new appreciation for the little things in life like, running water, cold food and drink, a dry place to sleep and the adjustment of sleeping on a bed to your back. I am so greatful for the new people I met along the way and the old friends and family I got to catch up with, but it's time to get back to work and put to use this brain that has been thinking and conspiring for some time now. Menu ideas, business plans and new social skills are going to make the next few months at the restaurant interesting but I am ready for the challenge. Below is a picture of where I spent my last night on the road, Sarah and Craig's new digs in what a view!!

I haven't quite decided if I will keep blogging, or just update when I go on my next adventure but I will be sure to let those who followed me know!!

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