Saturday, June 12, 2010

The West is the Best!!

After leaving Atlanta I could hear the West calling...Dallas was the first stop, it was short but so much fun, it was great to actually breath Texas air considering I have been to the airport numerous times but never outside. Mikey has really made a life for himself down here and I couldn't be happier for him, great girlfriend, great dog and a pretty amazing place in Las Colinas, Texas. A great Tex-Mex dinner downtown followed by some beers at the bar across the street from his place consumed my 12 hour stop in Dallas...
Next stop Santa Fe...The art work, jewelry and architecture are one for the books and I definitely could have spent days wandering around and not see it all. I got a great bike ride in and an even better dinner at a great little spot called Tomasita's. I payed a visit to an old friend who two years ago I had heard had died, so we had a lot to catch up on and reminisce about since parting ways after Culinary School!!
Home sweet home it is...When I reached the New Mexico/Colorado border it felt like all had come full circle and I had finally realized why I started this adventure...The next 6 weeks or so are going to be action packed with whatever comes my way. Upon arrival to Golden I found my Tattoo shop and finally payed tribute to the Women who helped make me the women I am today, and the best nurse I ever knew...RIP Wilma Kathryn Peabody

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