Tuesday, July 13, 2010

JRT Bike Weekend Success!!

My little dose of Michigan during the summer was awesome to say the least. The turnout for the 2nd Annual JRT Weekend was great, and I had a lot of fun being with all the special people touched by the life of Joshua Raymond Taylor!! We told stories, played bags and relaxed in great company on the best lake in Northern Michigan, none other than Elk Lake!!

The water was warmer than I had ever remembered it being so a lot of swimming took place, I needed to get exercise somehow. The spitting image of Josh provided a lot of entertainment for the weekend, Kai sure is growing up and has quite the sense of humor these days!! Below is a picture of Kai preparing breakfast for us all, sitting on the counter getting the fixings ready for French Toast....it sure was delicious.

I didn't quite capture as many photos as I would have liked over the weekend, but I am sure one of the other 20 people that took part in the weekend extravaganza did, but here is a group photo at the Taylor Tribe...minus a few people that were missing in action before I left to return down state to continue the Outback Adventure Road Trip!!

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